
Dr. Jarold E. Effer Taylor

Dr. Jarold E. Effer Taylor

Plastic Surgeon


Hand Surgery Reconstructive Surgery Breast Reconstruction Oncological Plastic Surgery

About Dr. Jarold E. Effer Taylor

This Doctor Speaks

Spanish, English

Payment Options

Cash, Credit Card, Debit Card

What Other People Say About This Doctor

Because I attest to his work and professionalism, I helped me a lot and I obtained excellent results


a woman wearing glasses is smiling and covering her mouth with her hand .

Dr. Jarold and Effer Taylor, is a prophecional that in addition to demonstrating its technical pounding as a surgeon, has the gift of knowing how to listen to its patients by feeling comfortable and valued, which helps and much in the whole process.


a woman wearing glasses and a grey sweater is smiling


a close up of a woman 's face with sunglasses on her head .

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